Watch Steam Powered Giraffe's Live in La Jolla California Show from August 2019!
Also available digitally on: |
Digital Video Version
The Digital Video version comes with access to an online video of the concert, and a digital show poster and desktop wallpaper!
- Unlimited access to an online video of the concert
(1 hour and 40 minutes long) - High Quality PDF File of the Show Poster
- Concert Desktop Wallpaper
NOTE: The Digital Videos are watchable on desktop computers and most mobile devices through our online store. If the advertisement video above plays for you on your device, the concert video will work too. An internet connection is required to watch these videos. Downloading the videos is not available.
Concert video specs:
1920 x 1080 @ 30fps
(no closed captions or subtitles)
See San Diego's native robot band Steam Powered Giraffe in concert with this performance in August 2019 at the Mandeville Auditorium, located in University of California San Diego.
Join the robots Rabbit, The Spine, Zero, backing musician Michael Reed, The Walter Workers, and the bands sound engineer Steve Negrete for toe-tapping music, chuckle-inducing comedic bits, and robot fun!
With a cast and crew filled with music and theatrical backgrounds, the group takes on the guise of singing antique automatons and the fictional robotics company that made them. The quirky act combines comedic sketches, improvised android banter, and original music fused with billowing steam effects, and robot pantomime.
Appearances by:
Rabbit (Isabella Bennett)
The Spine (David Bennett)
Zero (Bryan Barbarin)
Mr. Reed (Michael Reed)
Walter Workers (Chelsea and Camille Penyak)
Steve Negrete
and G.G. The Giraffe
Featuring the songs:
Steam Man Band
Steamboat Shenanigans
Shattered Stars
Me and My Baby (Saturday Nights)
Make Believe
Lying Awake
Hold Me
Olly and The Equinox Band
Brass Goggles
This show was a part of our Digital Concert Ticket Series.
More information on Digital Concert Tickets:
The show is sold out, you live too far away, but you want to see the newest Steam Powered Giraffe concert! Have no fear, Steam Powered Giraffe Digital Concert Tickets are here!
This Digital Concert Ticket lets you watch Steam Powered Giraffe concerts online at your convenience, indefinitely, an unlimited amount of times, within just a few days of the show premiering on stage!
Your Digital Concert Ticket purchase supports the band and its members past and present, helps us pay for putting the digital ticket video together and shows your enthusiastic support for the robots (and humans)!